Info E-Ressourcen des DAI

  1. General
  2. Online Journals (eJournals)
  3. Databases
  4. Ebooks
  5. Nationwide Licences
  6. Journal Archive JSTOR
  7. Specialised Information Services (FID) Classical and Ancient Studies – Propylaeum
  8. Other Research Tools

Access to Online Resources at the DAI


Using our search tool iDAI.bibliography / Zenon you can find both printed and digital publications accessible in our library network. Depending on the material our catalogue will show you holding branch and call number or give you direct access to digital texts.

All licenced material like databases, ebooks and online journals are accessible inside the IP-network of every DAI location.

Terms of Use

There are specific terms for the use of licenced online resources like online journals, databases and ebooks. Copyright laws and standard business conditions of the respective providers and platforms apply. When accessing online resources users agree to comply with these terms of use.

In general:

Online resources are for personal use and scientific purposes only. Commercial use and exploitation is not permitted as well as the dissemination of contents and their transfer to third parties in printed or digital form.

Usually only small parts of a resource can be downloaded or printed like individual pages or articles. Systematic download or print of a larger amount of data is not permitted. As is the application of programmes for continuous automatic search, indexing and download of the content (e.g. web-crawling-, spider- or download-programmes) or any other activity that loads the provider’s systems exceeding ordinary use. A violation of these terms can lead to permanent deactivation of online access institution wide because providers monitor download rates and data quantities.

Online Journals (eJournals)

Please search the Electronic Journals Library (EZB) for online journals. It provides fast and well-arranged access to scientific journals in all disciplines. The green, yellow and red signal lights show if a journal is accessible (green – open access, yellow – licenced by DAI, red – not accessible).

Guide: How to find online journals in the EZB?

EZB website: Make sure you have chosen the right institution and are navigating under the DAI interface:

That should already be the case if you are on premises of the DAI. If you are connecting from home you will have to choose the DAI frontend manually. On the left there is the option „choose institution“:

Choose „German Archaeological Institute“ - depending on the location of the department you will find it in the drop down menu under „Germany“ or „Other Countries“.

After choosing your institution you will be directed back to the main page and can start the search:

In the example below, you have a search result with three different access possibilities because there are three different licences for this journal. Choose one of these access links beginning with „to the full text and you will be directed to the respective full text platform.

Access to a journal is marked by a green or yellow light signal – red means no access. You can also limit your search by access type:

All licenced journals are accessible on DAI premises. Please observe the terms of use before accessing a resource.


The Database Information System (DBIS) gives access to a large number of scientific databases licenced by the DAI or freely accessible to all in open access. These databases are for bibliographic research, information research or full text research.

You can find relevant databases in the subject overview („Fachuebersicht“), in the alphabetical list or using the search tool. In many cases there is direct full text access to articles, ebooks and documents. In DBIS you can also find digital newspapers.

Guide: How to find databases in DBIS?

DBIS website:

Make sure you have chosen the right institution and are navigating under the DAI interface:

That should already be the case if you are on premises of the DAI. If you are connecting from home you will have to choose the DAI frontend manually. On the left there is the option for choosing you institution „Bibliotheksauswahl / Einstellungen“:

Choose „Deutsches Archäologisches Institut“, it should be quite far up in the drop-down-menu:

After choosing your institution you will be directed back to the main page and can start the search:

You can limit your search by access type choosing the option „Bibliotheksauswahl / Einstellungen“ on the left.

All licenced databases are accessible on DAI premises. Please observe the term of use before accessing a resource.


In iDAI.bibliography / ZENON you can find digital and printed books by author or title search et cetera. Ebooks are marked with the note "Available online" in your search result. You get access to an ebook by clicking on this note „Available online“.

See example in Zenon below:

You can limit your search to ebooks by using the advanced search in Zenon, e.g.:

All licenced ebooks are accessible on DAI premises. Please observe the terms of use before accessing a resource.

The DAI has licenced ebooks from different providers. There are no generally binding standards for ebooks yet, so you will find different formats and different access possibilities. Sometimes ebooks can be downloaded and saved on a device as a whole, more often however only in parts like individual pages or chapters. Some providers offer more restricted access possibilities due to licencing rights.

Indications for the platform „Ebook Central“ by ProQuest

Ebook Central is a platform providing ebooks from different publishers. Access to these books can have specific restrictions that follow a specific DRM (Digital Rights Management).

See an example below:

You can read it online without restrictions.

The option „Download Book“ allows the e book to be downloaded and saved on a device for 3 days. For this kind of download a free software is needed („Adobe Digital Editions or eFire Reader on mobile devices.) After 3 days you won’t be able to read the book anymore and during these 3 days no one else can access the title. Therefore downloading individual chapters might be preferable.

Chapter download: you can download or print a certain percentage of an ebook. You can also copy some pages from the pdf document. The actual number of allowed pages is shown for every book. When this „credit" for download/print/copy is used up, there is a 24 hour wait before the same amount of pages will be available again. These downloaded parts can be saved and kept permanently.

Nationwide Licences

In order to provide better access to scientific literature the „Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)“ supports nationwide licences for digital publications. These licences cover all German higher education facilities and research institutions with public funding and they encompass publications of different publishers and academic societies in the form of bibliographic databases, online journals, databases, ebooks and reference works.
Eine Übersicht über die Nationallizenzen finden Sie auf der Seite der Nationallizenzen unter Angebote:
or in DBIS (see above):
Nationallizenzen / Sammlungen - Monographien
Nationallizenzen / Sammlungen - Zeitschriften

Journals under these licences are in the EZB as well (see above). If you look for journals in the EZB, you will automatically find these journals as well. Part of the content of these nationwide licences is also searchable in Zenon.

If you would like to search and read from home or anywhere else you can register as an individual user and get access to some of the nationwide licences:

Journal Archive JSTOR

With financial support of the DFG the DAI has licenced the journal archive JSTOR ("Journal Storage"), namely the collections Arts & Sciences II, III, V, VI, VII, IX, XI und XIV with more than 1.000 chosen journals focusing on Humanities, Social and Economic Sciences

Usually full text access starts with the first issue of the journal, meaning sometimes even at the beginning of the 19th century. JSTOR allows search in and access to these journals under one roof. You can search for a particular journal or for articles in specific journals as well.

There is a moving wall of 3 to 5 years meaning that current issues are not available on JSTOR and will be so after 3 to 5 years.

JSTOR journals can be found in the EZB (see above). If you look for journals in the EZB, you will automatically find these journals as well. Part of the content of these JSTOR collections is also searchable in Zenon.

All licenced JSTOR journals are accessible on DAI premises. Please observe the terms of use before accessing a resource.

Specialised Information Services (FID) Classical and Ancient Studies – Propylaeum

With support of the DFG Propylaeum provides access to so called „FID-Licences“ a new nationwide programme for online resources behind a pay wall. The Specialised Information Services (FID) Classical and Ancient Studies provides remote access after individual registration to numerous specialised online resources. Therefore access is possible outside DAI premises. Online registration is possible for authorized individuals.

Further information:

The content of these FID-Licences is searchable in Zenon.

Other Research Tools