{"id":"000029375","type":"book","title":"The Orleton Farms mastodon / Thomas, Edward S. - Columbus, OH. enth.: Geological situation of the Orleton Farms mastodon / Richard P. Goldwaith. Pollen spectra associated with the Orleton Farms Mastodon Site / Paul B. Sears and Kathryn H. Clisby. Molluscan faunas of the Orleton Mastodon Site, Madison County, Ohio / Aurele LaRocque. Tooth-marks on bones of the Orleton Farms mastodon / Albert E. Wood","container-title":"The Ohio journal of science ; 52.1952, no. 1, S. 1-27 : 5 Ill. ; 5 Tab","author":[{"family":"Thomas","given":"Edward S."}],"issued":{"raw":"1952"}}