Beschreibung: Published to accompany the exhibition "Guder og Helte i Bronzealderen : Europa på Odysseus' tid" from December 19,1998 to April 5,1999, at the National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen; "Götter und Helden der Bronzezeit : Europa im Zeitalter des Odysseus" from May 7 to August 8,1999 at the Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn, Germany; "L'Europe au temps d'Ulysse : dieux et héros à l'Age du bronze" from September 28,1999 to January 9,2000 at the Galeries nationales du Grand Palais Paris, and "Theoi kai Ērōes tēs Epochēs tu Chalku : ē Eurōpē stis rizes tu Odyssea" (Gods and Heroes of Bronze Age Europe : the roots of Ulysses), from February 11 to May 7,2000, at the National Archaeological Museum, Athens.
Bibliographie: Literature: S. 280-294.
ISBN: 0500019150