{"id":"000272761","type":"book","title":"Severopontijskaja torgovlja chlebom vo vtoroj polovine VII - V v. do n.ė. Pis'mennye istočniki i archeologija. (Russ.) [Der nordpontische Getreidehandel in der 2. Hälfte 7. Jh. bis 5. Jh. v.u.Z. Schriftliche Quellen und Archäologie.] -","pages":"99-121","container-title":"Pričernomor'e VII - V vv. do n.ė. Pis'mennye istočniki i archeologija. The Black Sea littoral in the 7th - 5th centuries B.C. Literary sources and archaeology. Problem of authenticity. Materials of the 5th International Symposium, Vani 1987","author":[{"family":"Shcheglov","given":"A.N"}]}