{"id":"000376953","type":"book","title":"Function and uses of colour in South Italian painting of the 5th and 4th centuries B.C","pages":"191-199","container-title":"Colour in ancient Greece. The role of colour in ancient Greek art and architecture, 700 - 31 B.C. Proceedings of the conference held in Thessaloniki, 12th - 16th April 2000. To χρώμα στην αρχαία Eλλάδα. O ρóλoς τoυ χρώματoς στην αρχαία ελληνική τέχνη και αρχιτεκτoνική, 700 - 31 π.!. Πρακτικά συνεδρίoυ Θεσσαλoνίκη, 12 - 16 Aπριλίoυ 2000","author":[{"family":"Rouveret","given":"A."}]}