Abrahami Gorlaei Antverpiani Dactyliothecae : seu Annullorum sigillarium quorum apud Priscos tam Graecos quam Romanos usus, ex ferro, aere, argento & auro promptuarii Pars prima [et secunda], collectis aliunde & ineditis & editis annullorum figuris auctior;
Beschreibung: |
Signature (Pars prima): π2 [cross]-2[cross]4(-2[cross]4) *-3*4 4*2 a-d4 Signature (Pars secunda): [*4(-*1)] 2-8* 9*2(-9*2) χ2(-χ2) 3A-D4 Printer´s device on t.-p., showing a digging man, and the motto "Fac et spera" Type: italic, roman and greek. |
Zusätzliche Informationen: |
Latin, with Greek quotations On verso of t.-p. of Pars prima, two stamps with indications: Instituto di Corrisp. Archeologica" and "Institutum Archaeologicum Germanicum Roma". On verso of t.-p. of Pars secunda, stamp with indication: "Instituto di Corrisp. Archeologica" On verso of the plates stamp with indication: "Institutum Archaeologicum Germanicum" Plates numbered with pencil handwriting |