Descrittione di Roma antica e moderna. Nella qvale si contengono chiese, monasterij, hospedali, compagnie, collegij, e seminari, tempij, teatri, ... Indice de' sommi pontefici, imperatori, e dvuchi. Con due copiosissime tauole.

Parallelsachtitel: Descrittione di Roma antica e moderna. Nella quale si contengono chiese, monasterij, hospedali, compagnie, collegij, e seminari, tempij, teatri, ... Indice de' sommi pontefici, imperatori, e duchi. Con due copiosissime tauole
Antichità figurate dell'alma città di Roma.
Weitere Verfasser: Franzini, Giovanni Domenico, 17th cent.
Ort/Verlag/Jahr: In Roma : appresso Andrea Fei, 1643.
Umfang/Format: [16], 787, [9] p. : ill. ; 8° (16 cm).
Online Zugang: Available online
Beschreibung: Type: italic and roman.
Other t.p. at l. 2D5 with printer's device showing a gushing fountain, reading "L'antichità figurate dell'alma città di Roma".
Initials, head and tail pieces.
T.p. printed in red and black, with wignette depicting the emblem of Rome, a she-wolf suckling twin infants.
Signature: [cross]8 A-3B8 3C6 3D8.
Fasc. 3C6 wrongly signed 2C6.
Zusätzliche Informationen: Italian, with Latin quotations.
On verso of t.p. stamps with indications "Institutum Archaeologicum Germanicum Roma" and "Instituto di Corrisp. Archeologica".
On front endpaper stamp withinitials "G M" and a crown above.
On front board paper ex libris showing a coat of arms with indication "Ex libris Christiani Caroli Bunsen" and a coat of arms with motto "In spe et silentio".
At foot of t.p. handwritten ownership note: "Ex Bibli[o]t. dom.a Gov.ii exc. ... [not readable].
On front boardpaper and endpaper old call nrs. (handwritten): "L.B.b.32", "XXVII.B.32".