{"id":"000862382","type":"article","title":"The Marble Type of the Statue of Augustus from Prima Porta: Facts and Fallacies, Lithic Power and Ideology, Color and Color Symbolism in Roman Art","publisher":"Paros and Cyclades Institute of Archaeology","publisher-place":"Athens","pages":"237-252","container-title":"Παρία λίθος : λατομεία, μάρμαρο και εργαστήρια γλυπτικής της Πάρου : πρακτικά A' Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου Αρχαιολογίας Πάρου και Κυκλάδων, Παροίκια, Πάρος 2-5 Οκτοβρίου 1997","author":[{"family":"Pollini","given":"John"}],"issued":{"raw":"2010"}}