De antiqvis marmoribvs Blasii Caryophili opvscvlvm, cvi accedvnt dissertationes IV ...
Beschreibung: |
At l. π1 Half-title page: "Blasii Caryophili opvscvla, de marmoribvs antiqvis & Paschalis Caryophili dissertationes de thermis Hercvlanis & thermarvm vsv". T.p. printed in red and black with engravings. Each part has special t.p. Pt. 2: De thermis Herculanis nuper in Dacia detectis Paschalis Caryophili dissertatio epistolaris. Editio III post vindobonensem an. MDCCXXXVII secundis curis aucta, et emendata. -- Pt. 3: De usu et praestantia thermarum Herculanarum quae nuper in Dacia Trajani detectae sunt Paschalis Caryophili dissertatio epistolaris altera quae an. MDCCXXVII Kal. Aug. confecta nunc tertia vice prodit. Portrait signed "J.O.N. pinxit, J.C. Philips sculp. 1743". P. 49 wrongly numbered 57. Initials, head and tail pieces. Type: italic, roman, and greek. Signature: π1 *2 *4 A-P4 Q2 *4 A-E4 F4(-F4) *4 A-D4 E4(-E4). The first leaves of the second and the third fascicules A4 are both numbered 2*1. |
Zusätzliche Informationen: |
Latin, with Greek quotations. On front endpaper old call nr. (handwritten): "XXVIII.d.6". On verso of t.p. stamp with indication "Instituto di Corrisp. Archeologica". On verso of plate stamp with indication "Institutum Archaeologicum Germanicum Roma". |