Mvsevm Florentinvm exhibens antiqva nvmismata maximi modvli qvae in regio thesavro magni dvcis Etrvriae adservantvr, Francisco III dvci Lotharingiae et Barri regi Hiervsalem Etrvriae magno dvci dedicatvm. [Volumen I]
Beschreibung: |
The vol. has a general t.p. and an individual t.p., with title: Antiqua numismata aurea et argentea praestantiora et aerea maximi moduli quae in regio thesauro magni ducis etruriae adservantur cum observationibus Antonii Francisci Gorii. Half-title: Mvsei Florentini in qvo exhibentvr antiqva nvmismata maximi modvli volvmen I. General t.p. in red and black. Plates signed by Giovanni Domenico Campiglia and Vincenzo Franceschini; title-vignette signed by G.D. Campiglia and Carlo Gregori. Work in three volumes. Initials, head and tail pieces. Type: italic and roman. Signature: A-C4. |
Zusätzliche Informationen: |
On verso of t.p., on l. B2r (p. xi) and on verso of plates stamps with indication "Institutum Archaeologicum Germanicum Roma". |