{"id":"001049234","type":"book","title":"Contributions of the bone and antler industry for characterizing the Early Mesolithic in Europe","publisher":"Theiss","publisher-place":"Stuttgart","pages":"135-145","container-title":"After the Ice Age. Settlements, subsistence and social development in the Mesolithic of Central Europe. Nach der Eiszeit. Siedlungen, Subsistenz und soziale Entwicklung im Mesolithikum Mitteleuropas. Après la période glaciaire. Habitats, substistance et développement social pendant le Mésolithique de l'Europe Centrale. Proceedings of the International Conference 9th to 12th september 2003, Rottenburg/Neckar, Baden-Württemberg, Germany","author":[{"family":"David","given":"Éva"}],"issued":{"raw":"2006"}}