{"id":"001050460","type":"book","title":"Cult symbols and images on funerary monuments of the Roman period on the central section of Dardania","publisher":"Technička Knjiga","publisher-place":"Zagreb","pages":"343-350","container-title":"Akti 8. međunarodnog kolokvija o problemima rimskog provincijalnog umjetničkog stvaralašta. Zagreb 5.-8.5.2003. Religija i mit kao poticaj rimskoj provincijalnoj plastici. Akten des 8. internationalen Kolloquiums über Probleme des provinzialrömischen Kunstschaffens. Religion und Mythos als Anregung für die provinzialrömische Plastik. The proceedings of the 8th international colloquium on problems of Roman provincial art. Religion and myth as an impetus for the Roman provincial scultpure","author":[{"family":"Dobruna-Salihu","given":"Exhlale"}],"issued":{"raw":"2005"}}