{"id":"001059366","type":"book","title":"Svetapogljad nasel'nictva Belarusi v bronzavym veku","publisher":"Wydawnictwo Poznańskie","publisher-place":"Pozna","pages":"341-345","container-title":"Od neolityzacji do początów epoki brązu : Przemiany kulturowe w międzyrzeczu Odry i Dniepru między 6 i 2 tys. przed Chr. Ad nealityzacyi da pačatky ėpochi bronzy. Kul'turnyja zmeny u mižreččy Odry i Dnjapra pamiž 6 i 2 tys. da n.ė. From Neolithization to the beginnings of the Bronze Age. Cultural transformations between Oder and Dnieper rivers from the 6th to the 2nd millenium BC","author":[{"family":"Zajkovski","given":"Ėdvard"}],"issued":{"raw":"2001"}}