{"id":"001066074","type":"book","title":"Settlement History of the Middle Neolithic in the Polgár Micro-Region (The Development of the Alföd Linearband Pottery in the Upper Tisza Region, Hungary)","publisher":"Polska Akademia Umiejętności, Kraków","publisher-place":"Kraków","pages":"31-50","container-title":"Interactions between different models of Neolithization north of the central European Agro-ecological barrieer. Papers presented on the symposium organized by the EU project FEPRE (The Formation of Europe: Prehistoric population dynamics and the roots of socio-cultural diversity). Interakcje pomiędzy różnymi modelami neolityzacji na północ od środkowoeuropejskiej granicy agro-ekologicznej","author":[{"family":"Raczky","given":"Pál"}],"issued":{"raw":"2009"}}