{"id":"001066929","type":"book","title":"Dwelling of ancient people as form of adaptation to cold climate conditions (Based on materials of Early Iron Age in Western Siberia)","publisher":"Archaeopress","publisher-place":"Oxford","pages":"61-67","container-title":"Ancient cultural landscapes in South Europe. Their ecological setting and evolution. Session C11. Gardeners from South America. Session C22. Agro-pastoralism and early metallurgy sessions. Session S04. The idea of enclosure in Recent Iberian Prehistory. Session WS29. Rhytmes et causalites des dynamiques de l'anthropisation en Europe entre 6500 et 500 BC. Hypotheses socio-culturelles et/ou climatiques. Session C88","author":[{"family":"Matveeva","given":"Natalia"}],"issued":{"raw":"2010"}}