{"id":"001067678","type":"book","title":"Exploitation of rocks from the Brno Massif for polished stone industry, South Moravia (Czech Republic)","publisher":"Ustav geologických věd PřF MU","publisher-place":"Brno","pages":"95-109","container-title":"Petroarcheology in the Czech Republic and Poland at the beginning of the 21st century. Proceedings of the 4th International Petroarchaeological Symposium in Wrocław, October 2007, 11-13. Petroarcheologie v České republice a Polsku na počátku 21. století. Sbroník příspěvků ze 4. mezinárodního petroarcheologického symposia ve Wrocławi, 11.-13.10.2007. Petroarcheologia v Respublica Czeskiej i Polsce a początku 21. wieku. Materialy 4. międzynarodowego sympozja petroarcheologicznego we Wrocławiu, 11.-13.10.200","author":[{"family":"Kuča","given":"Martin"}],"issued":{"raw":"2008"}}