{"id":"001069440","type":"book","title":"Iconstancy and stability - Large and small farmsteads in the village of Nørre Snede (Central Jutland) in the first millennium AD","publisher":"Verlag Marie Leidorf","publisher-place":"Rahden/Westf","pages":"155-179","container-title":"Gedächtnis-Kolloquium / Memorial Colloquium. Werner Haarnagel (1907-1984). Herrenhöfe und die Hierarchie der Macht im Raum südlich und östlich der Nordsee von der Vorrömischen Eisenzeit bis zum frühen Mittelalter und zur Wikingerzeit. Herrenhöfe and the Hierarchy of Power in the Region to the South and East of the North Sea from the Pre-Roman Iron Age until the Early Middle Ages and the Viking Age. 11. - 13. Oktober 2007. Burg Bederkesa in Bad Bederkesa","author":[{"family":"Holst","given":"Mads Kähler."}],"issued":{"raw":"2010"}}