{"id":"001215724","type":"book","title":"Dva poselenija predskifskogo vremeni na levoberež'e Srednego Dnestra i nekotorye problemy Belogrudovskoj kul'tury (po materialam rayvedki Jugo-Podol'skoj ekspedicii v 1953-1954 gg.). Two pre-Scythian sites on the left bank of the Middle Dniester: results of pilot excavations carried out by the South Podolsk Expedition in 1953-54 (with reference to problems in the study of Belogrudovka Culture)","pages":"320-345","container-title":"Archeologičeskie Vesti, 6 (1999","author":[{"family":"Rybalova","given":"Valentina Dmitrievna"}],"issued":{"raw":"1999"}}