{"id":"001280915","type":"book","title":"Weichselian red tills in the Gardno Phase End Moraine (Debina Cliff) - criteria for distinction, origin and stratigraphic position, and implications for the origin and course of the Baltic Ice Stream.Weichselzeitliche rote Moränen in der Gardno Endmoräne (Debina Kliff) - Besonderheiten, Herkunft und Chronostratigraphie, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Verlaufs und der Quelle des Baltischen Eisstroms","pages":"295-310","container-title":"Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart, 56,4 (2007","author":[{"family":"Jasiewicz","given":"Jarosław"}],"issued":{"raw":"2007"}}