  • High-resolution climate reconstruction for the past 72Ka from pollen, total organic carbon (Toc) and total nitrogen (Tn) analyses of cored sediments from Lake Nojiri, central Japan / Fujio Kumon, Sayuri Kawai, and Yoshio Inouchi
  • Absoulute chronology of archaeological and paleoenvironmental records from the Japanese Islands, 40-15 ka BP / Yuichiro Kudo
  • Terrestrial mammal faunas in the Japanese Islands during OIS 3 and OIS 2 / Yoshinari Kawamura and Ryochei Nakagawa
  • A new OIS 2 and OIS 3 terrestrial mammal assemblage on Miyako Island (Ryukyus), Japan / Ryohei Nakagawa [and five others]
  • Taphonomy of vertebrate remains from Funakubu Second Cave in Okinawa Island, Japan / Shin Nunami, and Masami Izuho
  • Some issues on the origin of microblade industries in northeast Asia during OIS 2 / Anatoly Kuznetsov
  • Re-evaluation of the chronology and technology of palaeolithic assemblages in the Imjin-Hantan River area, Korea / Yongwook Yoo
  • The upper paleolithic of Hokkaido: current evidence and its geochronological framework / Masami Izuho [and three others]
  • Pioneer phase of obsidian use in the upper palaeolithic and the emergence of modern human behavior in the Japanese Islands / Kazutaka Shimada.