{"id":"001329390","type":"article","title":"The message - consigners and addressees. The Corded Ware Culture barrows in the cultural landscape of the Eastern Polish Carpathians during the 3rd and 2nd millennium BC and the monumental structures between the Carpathians and the Baltic Sea in the Neolithic and the Early Bronze Age","publisher":"Habelt","publisher-place":"Bonn","pages":"215-230","container-title":"\"As time goes by?\" Monumentality, landscapes and the temporal perspective. Proceedings of the International Workshop \"Socio-Environmental Dynamics over the last 12.000 years: The creation of landscapes 2. (14th-18th March 2011)\" in Kiel. 2","author":[{"family":"Pelisiak","given":"Andrzej"}],"issued":{"raw":"2012"}}