  • How much skilled should be an experimental archaeologist and who is the referee? Epistemological reflections of a flintknapper / Stefano Grimaldi
  • Experimentation and morphotechnological analyses of the middle pleistocene lithic assemblage of Ribeira da Ponte da Pedra Site (central Portugal) / Sara Cura; Pedro Cura; Stefano Grimaldi; Emanuela Cristiani
  • Experimental archaeology on Brazilian polished artifacts: making adornments, hafting blades and cutting trees / Gustavo Neves De Souza; Ângelo Pessoa Lima
  • The lithic technology of Laranjal do Jari i: a Koriabo site at south Amapá / Bruno De Souza Barreto; Mariana Petry Cabral
  • Les industries des sites du haut rio São Francisco: outilllage "simple", ou "complexe"? Le cimetière de Buritizeiroetl'abri Bibocas de Jequitai / M. Jacqueline Rodet; A. Prous; J. Machado; L.F. Bass
  • Methodology for integrated research flint products of the neolithic site Old Voitkovichi 1 in Belarus / Galina N. Poplevko
  • Experimental approach to prehistoric drilling and bead manufacturing / Maria Gurova; Clive Bonsall; Bruce Bradley; Elka Anastassova; Pedro Cura
  • Ceramic technology: fragments of an experimental process / Jedson Francisco Cerezer
  • A sculpture as an interface for an archaeological space / Rosana Tagliari Bortolin; Virgínia Fróis
  • The use of experimental archaeology in the hypothesis testing. The case of the bone technology of Tulan-54 (northern Chile) / Boris Santander
  • Early diagenesis of ungulate crania in temperate environments: an experimental approach / Cláudia Costa; Nelson Almeida; Hugo Gomes; Sara Cura; Pedro Cura
  • Between tools and engravings: technology and experimental archeology to the study of Cachão do Algarve rock art / Neemias Santos da Rosa; Sara Cura; Sara Garcês; Pedro Cura.