{"id":"001458060","type":"book","title":"(Re)examining the children","publisher":"University of Tartu, University of Helsinik University of Riga University of Vilnius,.","publisher-place":"Tartu : Helsinki Riga Vilnius","pages":"239-252","container-title":"Today i am not the one I was yesterday: archaeology, identity, and change : papers from the Fourth Theoretical Seminar of the Baltic Archaeologists (BASE), Archaeology and Identity, held at the University of Helsinki, Finland, October 8th-10th, 2009, and the Fifth Theoretical Seminar, Archaeology Today: Things to be changed, held at the Universiy of Tartu, October 27th-29th, 2011","author":[{"family":"Vilka","given":"Aija"}],"issued":{"raw":"2015"}}