{"id":"001474846","type":"book","title":"Tebo (Tabo) : NE-36-A/14-O-, [=NE-36-A/14-O-136 und NE-36-A/14-O-137], [Colossi at Tebo (Tabo)/Argo Island, Project shedule/Notes/Sketches for the Transport to Sudan National Museum/ Kolossalstatuen von Tebo (Tabo)/Argo Island, Projektplan/Konzepte/Notizen/Skizzen zum Transport in das SNM Khartoum]: Project: Transport and Erection of the two Colossi from Argo Island to Sudan National Museum (16th Sept. 1969); Notes for Transport and Erection; Sketches of Colossi; Drawing of Barge for Transport; Cost Plan","container-title":"Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Zentrale, Archiv Friedrich W. Hinkel. Zeichnungskonvolute","author":[{"family":"Hinkel","given":"Friedrich W."}],"issued":{"raw":"1969"}}