{"id":"001503155","type":"article","title":"Geology and Palaeoclimate of the Aqaba Region (Jordan). The Wadi al Hasa Highlands Early Epipalaeolithic Project (WHEEP) in Jordan (abstract)","publisher":"VML, Verlag Marie Leidorf","publisher-place":"Rahden/Westf","container-title":"Palaeoenvironment and the development of early settlements : proceedings of the international conferences 'Palaeoenviroment and the development of early societies (Şanlıurfa/Turkey, 5-7 October 2012)', 'The development of early settlement in Arid regions (Aqaba/Jordan, 12-15 November 2013","author":[{"family":"Al Nahar","given":"Maysoon"}],"issued":{"raw":"2016"}}