  • Mathematics & religion in ancient Greece and medieval Islam / John Lennart Berggren
  • Mechanics and imagination in ancient Greek astronomy : Sphairopoiïa as image and tool / James Evans
  • Alexandrian astronomy in the 2nd century AD : Ptolemy and his times / Anne Tihon
  • Note on a passage of the Arabic translation of Ptolemy's Planetary hypotheses / Sébastien Moureau
  • Isis, Sarapis, Cyrus and John : between healing gods and thaumaturgical saints / Laurent Bricault
  • The Song of Orpheus in the Argonautica and the Theogonic Library of Apollonius / Marco Antonio Santamaría
  • Paradox and the marvellous in Greek poetry of the imperial period / Luis Arturo Guichard
  • Between literature and science, poetry and prose, Alexandria and Rome : the case of Dionysius' Periegesis of the known world / Jane Lucy Lightfoot
  • Lucian's Podagra, Asclepius and Galen : the popularisation of medicine in the second century AD / María Paz de Hoz
  • Christian paideia in early imperial Alexandria / Clelia Martínez Maza
  • "When I scan the circling spirals of the stars, no longer do I touch earth with my feet" / Juan Luis García Alonso
  • Nonnus' natural histories : anything to do with Dionysus? / Laura Miguélez-Cavero
  • Greek poetry in late antique Alexandria : between culture and religion / Gianfranco Agosti.