{"id":"001519509","type":"article","title":"Vorbericht über die Freilegung eines awarischen Eisenverhüttungszentrums in der Gemeinde Zamárdi (Plattenseeraum, Ungarn) = Preliminary report on the excavation of an Avarian iron production centre in the municipality of Zamárdi (Somogy, Hungary) = Rapport préliminaire des recherches sur la métallurgie de la période avar sur la commune de Zamárdi (Somogy, Hongrie)","publisher":"Brepols","publisher-place":"Turnhout","pages":"71-81","container-title":"Arts and crafts in medieval rural environment = L'artisanat rural dans le monde médiéval = Handwerk im mittelalterlichen ländlichen Raum : Ruralia VI, 22nd-29th September 2005, Szentendre-Dobogókő, Hungary /[eds. Jan Klápŝtě, Petr Sommer","author":[{"family":"Gallina","given":"Zsolt"}],"issued":{"raw":"2007"}}