{"id":"001519558","type":"article","title":"Social and Ethnic Aspects of rural non-agrarian production in Brandenburg (East Germany) in the Middle Ages and the modern era = Les aspects sociaux et ethniques de la production rurale non-agraire en Brancenbourg (Allemagne orientale) au Moyen Âge et aux Temps modernes = Soziale und ethnische Aspekte der ländlichen nichtagrarischen Produktion in Brandenburg (Ostdeutschland) im Mittelalter und der Frühen Neuzeit","publisher":"Brepols","publisher-place":"Turnhout","pages":"363-373","container-title":"Arts and crafts in medieval rural environment = L'artisanat rural dans le monde médiéval = Handwerk im mittelalterlichen ländlichen Raum : Ruralia VI, 22nd-29th September 2005, Szentendre-Dobogókő, Hungary","author":[{"family":"Jeute","given":"Gerson H."}],"issued":{"raw":"2007"}}