{"id":"001536517","type":"book","title":"Nowe spojrzenie na stare materiały. Próba rekonstrukcji inwentarzy grobów 1 i 4 z badań Richarda Klebsa na cmentarzysku w Warnikam w 1877 roku=Old Materials from a New Perspective. An Attempt to Reconstruct the Assemblages from Graves 1 and 4 from the Warnikam Burial Ground, Excavated by Richard Klebs in 1877","publisher":"Warszawa-Schleswig","publisher-place":"Warszaw","pages":"223-238","container-title":"Orbis Barbarorum : Studia ad archaeologiam Germanorum et Baltorum temporibus Imperii Romani pertinentia Adalberto Nowakowski dedicata","author":[{"family":"Skvorcov","given":"Konstantin Nikolaevič"}],"issued":{"raw":"2017"}}