The Aghlabids and their neighbours : art and material culture in 9th-century North Africa

Weitere Verfasser: Anderson, Glaire D. , [HerausgeberIn]
Fenwick, Corisande , [HerausgeberIn] , ORC ID
Rosser-Owen, Mariam , [HerausgeberIn]
Lamine, Sihem , [HerausgeberIn]
Ort/Verlag/Jahr: Leiden : Boston:. Brill, 2017.
Umfang/Format: 1 online resource (xxxviii, 688 pages).
Schriftenreihe: Handbook of Oriental studies. Section 1: Ancient Near East 122
ISBN: 978-90-04-35604-7
Parallelausgabe: The Aghlabids and their neighbours (Print version)
Online-Zugang: Online available
  • The Aghlabids and their neighbors : an introduction / Glaire D. Anderson, Corisande Fenwick, and Mariam Rosser-Owen
  • The origins of the Aghlabids / Hugh Kennedy
  • Comment les Aghlabides ont-ils gouvernes l'Ifriqiya? / Mounira Chapoutot-Remadi
  • Reinterpreting the Aghlabids' Sicilian policy (827-910) / Annliese Nef
  • Topographies of power in Aghlabid-era Kairouan / Caroline Goodson
  • L'atelier monetaire d'al-'Abbassiyya : du "vieux chateau" (al-Qasr al-Qadim) a la ville princiere aghlabide / Abdelhamid Fenina
  • Le changement du type monetaire des dinars aghlabides sous le regne de Ziyadat Allah III : evolution ou revolution artistique? / Mohamed Ghodhbane
  • Ziryab in the Aghlabid court / Dwight Reynolds
  • La Grande Mosquee de Kairouan : textes et contexte archeologique / Faouzi Mahfoudh
  • The marble panels in the mihrab of the Great Mosque of Kairouan / Jonathan M. Bloom
  • Fragments d'histoire du minbar de Kairouan / Nadege Picotin and Claire Delery
  • Les carreaux verts et jaunes "caches" du mihrab de la Grande Mosquee de Kairouan et analogie avec une selection d'objets kairouanais / Khadija Hamdi
  • La Grande Mosquee Zitouna : un authentique monument aghlabide (milieu du IXe siecle) / Abdelaziz Daoulatli
  • The Zaytuna : the mosque of a rebellious city / Sihem Lamine
  • Le coufique des inscriptions monumentales et funeraires aghlabides / Lotfi Abdeljaouad
  • Les riba's aghlabides : un probleme d'identification / Ahmed El Bahi
  • La ceramique aghlabide de Raqqada et les productions de l'Orient islamique : parente et filiation / Soundes Gragueb Chatt
  • Aghlabid Palermo : written sources and archaeological evidence / Fabiola Ardizzone, Elena Pezzini, and Viva Sacco
  • Palermo in the ninth and early tenth century : ceramics as archaeological markers of cultural dynamics / Lucia Arcifa and Alessandra Bagnera
  • La ceramique des niveaux idrisside et Zenete de la Mosquee al-Qarawiyyin de Fes (IXe-Xe siecles) / Kaoutar El Baljani, Ahmed S. Ettahiri, and Abdallah Fili
  • Material culture interactions between al-Andalus and the Aghlabids / Elena Salinas and Irene Montill
  • Jerba of the ninth century : under Aghlabid control? / Renata Holod and Tarek Kahlaoui
  • Islamic Bari between the Aghlabids and the two empires / Lorenzo Bondioli
  • Nakur : un emirat rifain pro-omeyyade contemporain des Aghlabides / Patrice Cressier
  • Idris I and the Berbers / Elizabeth Fentress
  • Sijilmassa in the footsteps of the Aghlabids : the hypothesis of a ninth-century new royal city in the Tafilalt Plain (Morocco) / Chloe Capel
  • Zuwila and Fazzan in the seventh to tenth centuries : the emergence of a new trading center / David Mattingly and Martin Sterry
  • The materiality of the Blue Quran : a physical and technological study / Cheryl Porter
  • The Palermo Quran (AH 372/982-3 CE) and its historical context / Jeremy Johns.