{"id":"001560834","type":"article","title":"Ulomci oslikane žbuke i mramora iz rimskih vila na poluotoku Katoro i rtu Tiola kod Umaga sa starih arheoloških istraživanja 1957. i 1970./71.=Fragments of Painted Plaster and Marble from the Roman Villas on Katoro Peninsula and Tiola Cape next to Umag Found During the Early Archaeological Researches in 1957 and 1970/71 (str.77-112)","publisher":"Arheološki muzej Istre","publisher-place":"Pula","pages":"77-112","container-title":"Histria Archaeologica, 47 (2016","author":[{"family":"Majkić","given":"Astrid Mirjana"}],"issued":{"raw":"2017"}}