  • Introduction: Notum iter ad Thebas Prisca Nomina An Audience for the Thebaid Suspense, Anticipation, and Surprise Epic and Drama Chapter 1: Beginning with the End They call me Jocasta The Thebaid's Prologue Chapter 2: Portentous Beginnings Argos and the Seeds of War The Wedding Portents The Necklace of Harmonia Argia's Unease Amphiaraus and the Flight of Birds The Bacchant and the Necromancy Chapter 3: Hypsipyle and the Army at NemeaHypsipyle's Lemnian NarrativeThe Death and Funeral of OpheltesFuneral Consolations Chapter 4: Jocasta Tisiphone's Fears Jocasta and Polynices Jocasta and Eteocles Chronology and Suspense Strategies of Elision Jocasta's Hope and Death Chapter 5: Iam Pater Est The Curse Anticipation Outcome Chapter 6: Portentous Ends Amphiaraus Tydeus Hippomedon Parthenopaeus Capaneus Adrastus Menoeceus Chapter 7: Hic imperat, ille minatur The Anonymous Critic Polynices EteoclesChapter 8: Concluding the Thebaid The Idalian Doves The Edict of Creon The Choices of Oryntus Ubi incluta fama Antigone? The Twin Flames Choosing Theseus Fidissime Phegeus Bibliography Index.