
1. Verfasser: Philo Alexandrinus, 20 a.C.-c. 45 d.C , [VerfasserIn]
Weitere Verfasser: Colson, F. H., (Francis Henry), 1857-1943, , [ÜbersetzerIn]
Whitaker, G. H., (George Herbert), 1846 or 1847-1936, , [ÜbersetzerIn]
Ort/Verlag/Jahr: Cambridge, MA : Harvard University Press, 2014.
Umfang/Format: 1 online resource.
Schriftenreihe: Loeb Classical Library ; 226-227, 247, 261, 275, 289, 320, 341, 363, 379.
Parallelausgabe: Philo, of Alexandria. (Print version:) | ISSN: 9780674992498(v.1)
Online-Zugang: v.1
  • v. I. On the creation (De Opificio Mundi) ; Allegorical interpretation (Legum Allegoriae)
  • v. II. On the cherubim (De Cherubim) ; On the sacrifices of Abel and Cain (De Sacrificiis Abelis et Caini) ; The worse attacks the better (Quod Deterius Potiori insidiari solet) ; On the posterity and exile of Cain (De Posteritate Caini) ; On the giants (De Gigantibus)
  • v. III. On the unchangeableness of God (Quod Deus immutabilis sit) ; On husbandry (De Agricultura) ; On Noah's work as a planter (De Plantatione) ; On drunkenness (De Ebrietate) ; On sobriety (De Sobrietate)
  • v. IV. On the confusion of tongues (De Confusione Linguarum) ; On the migration of Abraham (De Migratione Abrahami) ; Who is the Heir (Quis Rerum Divinarum Heres) ; On the preliminary studies (De Congressu quaerendae Eruditionis gratia)
  • v. V. On flight and finding (De Fuga et Inventione) ; On the change of Names (De Mutatione Nominum) ; On dreams (De Somniis)
  • v. VI. On Abraham (De Abrahamo) ; On Joseph (De Iosepho) ; Moses (De Vita Mosis)
  • v. VII. On the Decalogue (De Decalogo) ; On the Special Laws Books I-III (De Specialibus Legibus)
  • v. VIII. On the Special Laws Book IV (De Specialibus Legibus) ; On the Virtues (De Virtutibus) ; On rewards and punishments (De Praemiis et Poenis)
  • v. IX. Every good man is free (Quod Omnis Probus Liber sit) ; On the contemplative life (De Vita Contemplativa) ; On the eternity of the world (De Aeternitate Mundi) ; Flaccus (In Flaccum) ; Hypothetica (Apologia pro Iudaeis) ; On Providence (De Providentia)
  • v. X. On the embassy to Gaius (De Legatione ad Gaium) ; General index to Volumes I-X.