{"id":"002053043","type":"book","title":"The use of landscape and geo-resources at microregional scale during the later part of the Late Glacial in the south-eastern part of the Ryczow Upland (Polish Jura)","publisher":"Archaeopress Archaeology","publisher-place":"Oxford","pages":"16-30","container-title":"From mine to user : production and procurement systems of Siliceous rocks in the European Neolithic and Bronze Age : proceedings of the XVIII UISPP World Congress (4-9 June 2018, Paris, France), Volume 10, Session XXXIII-1&2. | ISSN: 978-1-78969-711-7","author":[{"family":"Sudol-Procyk","given":"Magdalena"},{"family":"Krajcarz","given":"Maciej T."}],"issued":{"raw":"2021"}}