Lila: Linking Latin : Building a Knowledge Base of Linguistic Resources for Latin.

Ort/Verlag/Jahr: Milano : Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, [2021?]-
Umfang/Format: 1 online resource.
Online Zugang: open access
  • LiLa Lemma Collection (The Lemma Bank is a collection of approximately 200,000 canonical forms for Latin that is used to interlink the linguistic resources in the LiLa Knowledge Base)
  • Index Thomisticus Treebank (The Index Thomisticus Treebank contains Latin texts of Thomas Aquinas (Medieval Latin) enhanced with complex and interlinked morphological, syntactic and semantic/pragmatic annotation)
  • UDante
  • Querolus (Querolus is an anonymous Latin comedy dating back to Vth century AD. It focuses on Euclio’s treasure, which he disguised as a cinerary urn and hid at home before leaving for a foreign land. On the verge of death, Euclio reveals his secret to the parasite Mandrogerus, asking him to share it with his own son Querolus in exchange for part of the hoard. Forgetting to mention that money was hidden in a funerary urn, Euclio thus starts the plot.)
  • Lasla Corpus (The LASLA corpus is created and maintained at the Université de Liège, under the direction of Dominique Longrée)
  • WFL
  • Etymological Dictionary of Latin (Brill) (New etymological dictionary that covers the entire Latin lexicon of Indo-European origin. It consists of nearly 1900 entries, which altogether discuss about 8000 Latin lemmata. Only some information about P-I.E. and Proto-Italic roots is accessible via LiLa. @en)
  • LatinVallex ( The New Latin Vallex is a valency lexicon of Latin assigning a valency frame to each Latin Wordnet Synset (sense). The New Latin Vallex is intuition based: for each sense listed for a lemma or hypolemma, there is a valency frame, established on the basis of the dictionary meaning listed for that lemma, corresponding to the Latin WordNet synset. A frame is made of all the arguments and adjuncts that are obligatory for that particular sense. Non-obligatory arguments and adjuncts are not considered. Names of arguments and adjuncts are the same as those used in the Prague Dependency Treebank annotation guidelines at section 6.2, The PDT Approach to Valency: xsd:string)
  • Latin Wordnet (Ongoing quality revision of Minozzi's Latin WordNet, mapped to version 3.0 of the Princeton WordNet (as opposed to Minozzi's original mapping to version 1.6) xsd:string)
  • Index Graecorum Vocabulorum (Index of 1,763 Ancient Greek loanwords in Latin, mapped against the LiLa lemma bank.)
  • LatinAffectus ( Gold: prior polarity lexicon of Latin lemmas created by two experts of Latin language and culture following a multi-stage process and an extensive reconciliation phase. It follows a five-way classification: 1 (fully positive), 0.5 (somewhat positive), 0 (neutral), -0.5 (somewhat negative), -1 (fully negative) Silver: prior polarity lexicon built by deriving new entries through synonym, antonym and derivational relations with the entries in the gold standard.)
  • Lewis and Short Latin Dictionary