K izučeniju pogrebal'nogo obrjada saltovo-majackoj kul'tury : Netajlovskij mogil'nik VIII - IX vv.

Parallelsachtitel: Ancient funerary rites of the saltovo-mayatskoe culture : the Netaylovka cemetery og the 8-9th centuries
Anent funerary rites of the saltovo-mayatskoe culture : the Netaylovka cemetery og the 8-9th centuries
1. Verfasser: Aksënov, Viktor Stepanovič , [VerfasserIn]
Ort/Verlag/Jahr: Moskva : Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR, 2017.
Umfang/Format: fascicle 4, pages 38-56: map, plans, illustrations.
Enthalten in: Rossijskaja Archeologija, 2017,4 (2017)
Zusätzliche Informationen: Summary in English