{"id":"003079138","type":"book","title":"Space Syntax a Ostia Antica: Le Terme del Nuotatore, Insula V, X, e il Complesso delle Terme dei Sette Sapienti, Insula III, X=Space Syntax Analysis in Ostia: The Baths of the Swimmer, Insula V, X, and the Complex of the Baths of the Seven Sages, Insula III, X","publisher":"Leiden University Press","publisher-place":"[Leiden","pages":"83-119","container-title":"Designating place : Archaeological Perspectives on Built Environments in Ostia and Pompeii","author":[{"family":"Medri","given":"Maura"},{"family":"Di Cola","given":"Valeria"},{"family":"Pasquali","given":"Giorgia"}],"issued":{"raw":"2020"}}