Sŭkrovishta s postumni bronzovi moneti tip "Aleksandŭr Veliki" ot nebettepe v Plovdiv (IGCH 780) i ot s. Khotovo Melnishko (CH v 29).

Zusätzlicher Titel: Hoards with Posthume Coins of the Type of "Alexander the Great" Found on Nebet Tepe in Plovdiv (IGCH 780) and Near the Village of Hotovo, the Region of Melnik (CH V 29)
1. Verfasser: Dimitrov, Kamen.
Ort/Verlag/Jahr: Plovdiv, 2004.
Umfang/Format: 212-231.
iDAI.gazetteer: Bulgarien
Enthalten in: Godišnik na Arheologičeski muzej Plovdiv. Annual of the Archaeological Museum Plovdiv, 9/2.2004
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