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|a 5. 5, 1957, Madrid; Barcelona. . 5,1. Résumés des communications. - 5,2. Las rasas de la costa Cantabrica en el segmento oriental de Asturias/ por F. Hernandez-Pacheco. - 5,3. Exposiciones en el Palacio de la Virreina. - 5,4. Mapa del quaternario de Asturias. - 5,5. Konvolut von Sonderdrucken: Livret guide de l'excursion B1, B2-B3, C1, C2, C3-C4, C4, L, N1, N2, N3. - 6. 6, 1961, Warschau. - 6,1-4. Report of the 6th International Congress on Quaternary. - Lódz. - 6,5. Abstracts of papers + Suppl. - 6,6. Guide-book of excursion A, B, C, D, E. - 6,7. Guide-book of excursions ...: 1. The Warsaw Basin. 2. From the Baltic to the Tatras, 1.North Poland. 2.Middle Poland. - 6,8. Przeglad Geograficzny, T33, zeszyt 3: to the 6th Inter national INQUA Congress in Poland. - 6,9. Voprosy stratigrafii i periodizacii paleolita: k 6 kongressa INQUA v Warsabe 1961. - 6,10. Miocenska flora ze starych Gliwic na Slasku/ Wladyslaw Szafer. - 6,11. Materialy po cetverticnoj geologii i geomorfologii SSSR (contributions to the quaternary geology and geomorphology of the USSR). - 7. 7, 1965, Boulder; Denver, CO: Proceedings volumes VII Congress, International Union for Quaternary Research. - 7,4. Contributions to Southwestern prehistory. - 7,8. Means of correlation of quaternary successions. - 7,19.The quaternary of the United States. - 7,20. Guidebooks for Field Conferences A-J; One-Day Field Conferences, Boulder Area,Co. - 7,21. Program. - 7,22. Abstracts. - 7,23. Membership. - 7,24. Report.- 7,25. Studies on the quaternary: 1963-1965. - 10. 10, 1977, Birmingham. - 10,1. Recherches françaises sur le quaternaire hors de France. - 10,2. Antarctic glacial history and world palaeoenvironments / ed. by E.M. van Zinderen Bakker. - Rotterdam. - 1978. - 11. Moraines and varves: origin, genesis, classification; proceedings of an INQUA symposium on genesis and lithology of quaternary deposits, Zürich, 10-20 Sept. 1978 / ed. by Ch. Schlüchter. - Rotterdam