Bibliotheken, Archive und die digitale Forschungsumgebung des DAI.

Main Author: Fröhlich, Thomas , [Author] , ORC ID
Thänert, Sabine , [Author] , ORC ID
Published: Heidelberg : Propylaeum, 2021.
Physical Description: pages 57-64.
DOI: 10.11588/propylaeum.708.c10614
Contained in: Classical Archaeology in the Digital Age – The AIAC Presidential Panel :
Additional form: Bibliotheken, Archive und die digitale Forschungsumgebung des DAI (Online version)
Online Access: open access
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Z 1000 scala (19:51) Non-circulation Esposizione del 26.04.2022 -- Bound with vols. 50 and 52