“Domesticating” Death : the Burial Contexts

Main Author: Benz, Marion , [Author] , ORC ID
Gresky, Julia , [Author] , ORC ID
Purschwitz, Christoph , [Author] , ORC ID
Alarashi, Hala , [Author] , ORC ID
Schultz, Michael (Paleopathologist) , [Author]
Gebel, Hans Georg , [Author]
Published: Berlin : bibliotheca neolithica Asiae meridionalis et occidentalis "ex oriente", 2023.
Heidelberg : Propylaeum, 2023.
Physical Description: 1 online resource (pages 73 -199).
ISBN: 9783969292303
DOI: 10.11588/propylaeum.1224.c19489
Contained in: Death in Ba'ja : sepulchral identity and symbolism in an early Neolithic community of the Transjordanian Highlands | ISSN: 9783969292303
Online Access: open access
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